Material Date

This sample integrates following already existing javascript material date picker and shows how to use an external javascript and css to get respondent input and validate the input with multi-language support and styling based on the current ngSurvey theme chosen by the survey manager.

class MaterialDateWidget extends NGSWidget {
        Sample that shows how to integrate an external javascript 
        based extension as a ngsurvey widget with label support.
        This sample integrates the material date picker

        Shows how to use external javascript and css to get respondent input
        and validate the input with multilanguage support

    /*  Html template that will generate before widget's class is created
        All id's will be suffixed by the uniqueId
        provided during creation of the widget */
    static get template() {
        return `<input class="ngs-question__answer-field ngs-question__answer-field-material-date" type="text" id="materialpicker001">`;

    /* Style that will be assigned to this widget, note that all 
      elements class names will be scoped using the widget unique id */  
    static get style() {
        return `.ngs-question__answer-field-material-date {max-width:100px;}`

    /* Allows the answer to be set required or not
       from the answer settings page to make
       the widget answer required during survey
    static get required() {
        return true;

    /* Properties that can be set in from the form designer for each
     answer using this widget as an answer type in the answer properties*/
    static get propertiesDef() {
        return [{
                id: 'color',
                label: 'color',
                defaultValue: 'var(--ngs-accent-color)',
                type: 'text'
                id: 'orientation',
                label: 'Orientation',
                defaultValue: 'portrait',
                type: 'list',
                list: [{
                        name: 'portrait',
                        value: 'portrait'
                        name: 'landscape',
                        value: 'landscape'

    /* External javascript code dependencies that will be loaded
     before the widget gets created */
    static get jsDependencies() {
        return [{
                id: 'moments',
                url: ''
                id: 'materialdate',
                url: ''

    /* External css code dependencies that will be loaded
       before the widget gets created */
    static get cssDependencies() {
        return [{
                id: 'googlefonts',
                url: ''
                id: 'materialdatecss',
                url: ''

    init() {
        var widget = this;
        // Get the input element from the template
        // its important to always suffix any id 
        // of the template with the uniqueid of the widget
        this.inputField = this.getWidgetElementById('materialpicker001');

        this.getLanguage$(lang => {
            // Setup the date picker, its important to always suffix any id 
            // of the template with the uniqueid of the widget
            this.materialPicker001 = new MaterialDatepicker('#materialpicker001' + this.uniqueId, {
                lang: lang.languageCode,
                onNewDate: function(date) {
                    // If the user has selected a date post the value to the form

            if (this.materialPicker001) {

                // Get the current render mode to know how we should
                // setup the state here make it disabled if the 
                // widget is in read only mode 
                this.isDisabled$(disabled => {
                    this.inputField.disabled = disabled;

                // Set the inital value when the widget gets created
                if (this.answerContext.initialValue) {
                    this.inputField.value = this.answerContext.initialValue;
                } else if (this.inputField.value) {

                // If the user changes the text make sure to save the value
                // in the form   
                this.inputField.addEventListener('input', (event) => {
                    this.textChange(this.inputField.value, this);

    // Post the value to the form
    textChange(value, widget) {

    // Will be called by the form
    // to see if the value is valid
    // If not valid must return '' (no error message shown) or the error message to show
    // If its valid return null 
    isValid() {
        var date = new Date(this.inputField.value);
        if ((this.inputField.value && !(date instanceof Date && !isNaN(date.valueOf())))) {
            return 'InvalidDateDataTypeMessage';
        } else {
            return null;

Last updated

(c) 2024 Data Illusion Zumbrunn. All rights reserved. Reproduction strictly forbidden.