Azure Active Directory Setup
In order to enable Azure Active Directory in your ngSurvey installation you have to first create a new application registration in your Azure Active Directory portal.
This newly created application will allow you to link NGSurvey with your Azure Active Directory. Set it up using its name and its redirection URI which should be the URI under which you have installed ngSurvey. Make also sure to set the Redirect URI as Single-page Application (SPA).
Once you have registered your application open its API permissions and add the the User.ReadAll permission to it.
Azure Active Directory users that can add new users in ngSurvey are required to have have both permissions assigned to their Azure Active Directory account in order to query the Active Directory user list and link users with ngSurvey.
In the permission screen grant the admin consent on the permissions.
The last step is to enable ID tokens in the application authentication page.
Once you have registered the application in Azure you're almost ready to go, the only thing left is to copy the Application (client) ID from the overview screen of your Azure Active Directory Application registration screen.
Paste that application ID in your ngSurvey system settings Active Directory section.
Click on the test button, if you're not logged into Azure Active Directory it will prompt a login screen. Login to make sure that the connection between Azure and ngSurvey is working.
Well done, your Azure Active Directory users are now able to log into ngSurvey using their account and you will able able to add new Azure Active Directory users to ngSurvey to let them access and use ngSurvey.
Last updated