WhatsApp Conversation

💬 What is a two way WhatsApp survey ?

Two way surveys are surveys that work in the same as a chat would. Questions of your surveys are displayed one by one to the respondent inside his WhatsApp application where he can directly reply as he would usually do in a normal WhatsApp chat.

A survey campaign configured to be two way always need to ask first the user for his consent to take the survey. As such your the first message that will be sent to him must be a message that offers him the choice to take the survey or not.

Hi, your opinion about our products and services matters, would you like to take one minute and share it with us ? 1 - Yes 2 - No 3 - Unsubscribe

Out of the box following replies are expected by ngSurvey for the consent question

  • 1 or yes will continue with the survey.

  • 2 or no will finalize the respondent session and stop it.

  • 3 or unsubscribe will finalize the respondent session and "blacklist" the phone to avoid any further notifications.

The invitation message with the consent question must be pre-approved WhatsApp message template.

🌐 Multi-language surveys

If you're running a multi-language survey you will need to create one message for each of your languages and then select the recipient language for your two way invitation. The respondent will automatically be assigned the right language on the survey once he has replied to the consent question.

Alternatively if you would like to let the respondent choose his language you may also add a Language reply question anywhere in your your survey, this special question will ask the respondent to enter the language in which he wants to take the survey.

🔌 Questions / answers compatibility

If you're running a survey that targets the web platform and want to use that survey as well in a conversation you have to be aware of following limitations as not all questions / answer types will be used within the conversation.

Following questions are compatible with the conversation mode.

Last updated

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