Media Gallery
🖼️ What is a media gallery ?
The media gallery is the central place where we can store and organize all our different media files.
Once uploaded media files are stored on the server and can be picked to be used anywhere in your surveys labels e.g. questions, answers, thanks messages.
🚀 Accessing the gallery
You can access the gallery anywhere in the administration section by clicking on the following icon
➕ Adding an item to the gallery
To add an a new item you may click on the Add / upload media button and drag and drop your image to save it in the gallery.
🗂️ Organize your medias
Media items can organized into folders and sub-folders. To create a new folder click on the Add new media folder button.
You may edit or delete your media folders using the 3 dots action button on the right of the folder you wish to edit.
Last updated