CSV / Excel

The Comma Separated Value file format is a standard text based format that can be imported in almost any modern reporting tool like Excel.

The CSV export offers a wide range of properties to format your CSV file as needed.

๐Ÿ”… CSV export properties

  • CSV output defines how the question and answers will be layout in the CSV columns. You can choose to layout each answer as an individual column, pivot all the questions using questions as rows or to separate the selection answers and fields in columns.

  • Column header template formats the CSV header column as we need. {0} will be replaced by the answer text or id or display order and {1} will be replaced by the question text or id or display order. You may also omit those tags and use any custom string.

  • Column header output defines what values to use to replace the {0} / {1} inside the header template column.

  • Columns filter allows you to choose which questions / answers will be part of the export.

  • Field delimiter is the char that will act as a delimiter between the exported answers columns inside a CSV.

  • Text delimiter is the char that will act as a delimiter between the text entries inside a CSV.

  • Replace CR is the char that will replace "new line" character. Some tools like Excel or Access might encounter problems with "new line" characters inside a row. We suggest replacing it with a custom char before replacing it again after having imported the data inside the target tool.

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