List Items
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The list items answer type allows you to create lists based on the items that you can define manually through the list items editing interface.
You may add a new item using its item text which is the text that will be displayed to the respondent in the list and the item value which is the value that will be saved along the respondent answers.
Type name
display name of the list.
Collection layout rendering
defines how the list will be rendered either as a dropdown list, as autocomplete field that will filter the list based on the respondent entry or as toggle push buttons.
Answers sort order
defines the order in which the list item will be displayed. This can be handy in multi-language lists where item text differ from one language to another.
you may define a different list for each languages. This is very handy if you use your type in a multi-language survey and what to show different items based on the respondent language.
Selections multiple
if you want to allow the respondent to select multiple answers from the list. Note that if multiple answers are selected from a list these will still be stored as a single answer in the respondent dataset separated by a # character. eg: selectanswer1#selectanswerr2#selectedanswer3