The hosting domain is the domain under which you run your ngSurvey installation. As ngSurvey cannot get automatically the domain under which it runs on the server side you need to specify that domain manually.
If you're running multiple instances one internal for administrations purposes and one external to serve only the surveys you can set the hosting domain to your external instance domain and check the "Use host domain for deployment link" option. This will use the same domain for all links required to deploy the survey on all instances (internal, external).
🌐 Host domain for deployment links
Its possible to run ngSurvey in a configuration where you have one instance running internally that would allow admin related access and one other public facing instance that would be used for data collection.
In such a scenario you can set the "Use host domain for deployment links" option and set the hosting domain to your public facing website. All links for web deployment will then use the hosting domain as such you can administer ngSurvey on your internal network while using the public facing website for your surveys.
The hosting domain is required on the server side to build HTTP links that should point to ngSurvey for features like the read / opening campaign links to track if a respondent has read / opened an invitation.
➡️ Login redirection page
Out of the box when someone try to access your site from the root it will redirect the visitor to the login page to access ngSurvey's administration section. If you don't want to show the login page automatically and "hide" it you may show a custom welcome message at the root of your site instead of redirecting the visitor to the login page.
🖨️ New survey blueprint
The survey blueprint allows you to select a survey that will be used as template for all newly created surveys by any of the ngSurvey users.
This allows you to replace the blank survey that is created when a user creates a survey by a custom preset survey of your choice.
If a survey is used as blueprint its wont be possible for any user to bypass this setting to create a new blank survey from scratch, new surveys will always be based on a copy of the survey defined as blueprint.
🌐 Default survey language
All newly created will be automatically setup to run in the default selected survey language.
🏢 Organization name
Setting the organization name will override the default "ngSurvey" title in the administration section side bar.
🏢 Organization logo
You can set your organization own logo by pasting SVG code in the organization logo field. Your logo will replace all the ngSurvey logos shown while "loading" the application, on the side menu or on the login page. Maximum SVG viewbox size is 100x100 and the maximum size of the SVG code is 10kb.
If your SVG designer adds the width and height attributes to your SVG code element make sure to remove them to use your SVG as organization logo.
Keep the size of the SVG as small as possible as its used in the initial ngSurvey loader which is the first element that is displayed to the user while loading the surveys.