The form code allows you to run and execute some custom javascript code while the survey is starting and running.
Your custom code must extends the NGSFormCode object to be executed.
Sample that shows how to post respondent
answers to a third party REST API.
The Form code can also be used to insert third party
API codes to your form page using the onInit or onLoaded events
class CustomFormCode extends NGSFormCode {
/* Form has been loaded */
onInit() {}
/* A security item requires authentication will be called
when a survey requires authentication from an security item
onAuthenticate(securityItem) {}
/* A security item requires authentication will be called
a security item has been succesfully authenticated.
Returning a string from this method will block the
access the survey with the message defined by the
returning string.
onAuthenticated(securityItem, securityItemAuthorization) {}
/* Form has been authorized by all security items and loaded
with questions of its first visible page */
onLoaded() {}
/* Trigger when a new page is being loaded a null value for the page
indicates that the end thank you page is being loaded
onPageLoad(page) {}
/* Trigger once the respondent session answers have been saved on the server.
action defines the action that triggered the save progress it can be any of following values
None = 0, Button = 1, PageChange = 2, QuestionChange = 3, Email = 4, Auto = 5
onSaveProgress(ngsRespondent, action) {}
/* Trigger once the respondent answers have been saved on the server. */
onSubmit(ngsRespondent) {
// Respondent details
// Respondent answers
// security items data attributes values
ngsRespondent.answers, {}).subscribe();
/* Trigger once the respondent answers have been updated on the server. */
onUpdate(ngsRespondent) {console.log('update', ngsRespondent);}
The NGSForm base class provide following properties that you can reuse in your derived class.
class NGSFormCode {
// Current survey
// Form context helper class
// Current respondent answers
// Current respondent
// Current running language code
// Current data attribute values from security items
FormContext provides following properties that you can use from your NGSFormCode derived class through the formContext property.
export class FormContext {
// Current respondent answers
private respondentAnswers$: Observable<RespondentAnswer[]>,
// Current security items data attributes
private dataAttributesValues$: Observable<RespondentAnswer[]>,
// Current respondent language
private language$: Observable<Language>,
// Angular HTTP client
private httpClient: HttpClient,