Change log
NGSurvey's release notes
3.6.4 (2025/01/10)
New features
Define which question wizards or answer widgets should be displayed in the favorites section
Administration UI updates
Angular 19 migration
Internal packages update
3.6.3 (2024/12/18)
Static rich text field didnt clear up html properly
Didnt parse service key code in Excel exports outputs
Cloned question order didnt follow the original order
3.6.2 (2024/12/06)
New features
!! .NET 9 migration ! Make sure to install the .NET 9 Hosting Bundle package on your host first or set your Azure web application to .NET 9 !!
Smart filters to create filters for the respondents grid based on natural language eg. Show responses from users aged 25 or above in the last 7 days
Ability to change the default postgres maintenance database name using NGSurvey:PGMaintenanceDB
SPSS export didnt use question uid when empty aliases
Clear existing value when unchecking checkbox was triggering validation
3.6.1 (2024/11/28)
Unable to pull out questions structure causing the survey to be empty
3.6.0 (2024/11/27)
New Features
PostgreSQL database engine to deploy ngSurvey using any PostgreSQL or PostgreSQL based database (Aurora etc..)
3.5.0 (2024/11/07)
New Features
Website intercepts to deploy and integrate surveys or forms inline on any existing site using a single line of code to directly target your visitors and get immediate feedback based on dynamic conditional triggers rules of your choice
Unlimited number of intercepts per survey
Multiple intercepts from different surveys or forms can used and displayed at the same time on the site
Dynamically change and choose at any time which survey / form to display on a site that has been enabled to support intercepts
Intercepts triggers to show intercepts based on dynamic live conditions of your website visitors (scroll position, page navigation, previous / current page,, exit intend, user agents, time on pages, date or time ranges, click on website page elements, website page element value changes, custom javascript code, custom visitor attributes using the SDK)
Intercept triggers have been fully integrated in the ngSurvey global rules engine
Intercept layout can be fully customized size, border, shadows, positions or using custom CSS
Define a header for your intercepts either as text or using images
Intercept show up delay
Intercept auto close delay
Intercept thank you page close delay
Intercept enable or disable the ability to close the intercept
Restrict intercepts on given domains (must be on the same domain as the website hosting the intercept)
Define a maximum display count per visitor
Define if your form runs in page or question flow mode within the intercept
Show or hide buttons / progress bar on intercepts
Modal intercept
Setup display priority for each intercept if running multiple intercepts on the same site or page
Multi-languages enabled intercepts
Idle intercept trigger button
Idle intercept trigger button position can be customized
Custom content (images, rich text) to be shown before accessing the actual form / survey
Redirect visitor to a new browser tab to access the form / survey
Intercept test / previewer tool
Set exclusivity of an intercept if multiple intercept are defined on a website or page to show only one intercept at a time if opened
Pipe values from the intercept into the survey / forms
Assign a custom style for each intercept
Intercept SDK to integrate with existing javacript on a website to have full control on when / where the forms will be displayed or what existing data you would like to forward to the intercept and forms
New publish / send section to accommodate the new and up coming publishing features
Auto save was saving when no answers have been yet posted
Non editable templates were shown in the template editor's tree
3.4.1 (2024/10/18)
New Features
SFTP support for data export jobs to transfer exports automatically to any SFTP server
3.4.0 (2024/10/15)
New Features
Questions components system to create ready made questions that can be reused across multiple surveys
Detach a question component instance from a survey
Multi-language support for question library
Map answer item that can be connected to Google Map to ask respondent to drop a pin
Store position, address, country or city from the map answer item
Autocomplete address answer with Google Map autocomplete
Formcode onSaveProgress event new "action" parameter to know from which action the event was triggered from (Button = 1,PageChange = 2,QuestionChange = 3,Email = 4,Auto = 5)
Automatically assign based on email or username existing ngSurvey accounts upon login of new identity provider based users from OpenID, Azure AD, Active directory or LDAP
Misc impovement of the AI survey template generation system
Impovement of the AI based sentiment analysis
Wrong calculation of total file size was disabling of embeding of images in Excel if filters based on dates were set
3.3.7 (2024/09/11)
Unable to render matrix question rows in question library
Piping stopped on fields focus without value change
Shortcut key was causing misaligment of selection answers in matrix cells
3.3.6 (2024/09/02)
New Features
Display spaced used by medias and survey files in the system settings
Display total size of files in the survey file vault
LDAP setttings were preventing cloning of surveys
3.3.5 (2024/08/28)
New Features
LDAP identity provider to use LDAP users for authentication for the administration section
LDAP security item to authenticate users or groups on surveys
Added GPT4o-mini
Impoved sentiment evaluation when used along the AI provider
Ignore existing recipients wasnt available for panels
Date answer was keeping time when using datetime as default value
3.3.4 (2024/08/16)
New Features
Enable keyboard shortcuts to select answers in single question flow mode using keys
Dynamic date ranges (year, day, month, last x days) for data exports
Dynamic date ranges (year, day, month, last x days) and time zone support for report filters
Updated tag / word cloud report item
Unable to set required on ranking dropdown based questions
3.3.3 (2024/07/24)
New Features
Hide / show elements using skip logic rules based on the current page loop index
Add new themes
Filestorage archive check prevented complete files download on Windows based hosts
3.3.2 (2024/07/15)
New Features
Draw pad to let respondent draw on an image of your choice
Amazon Translate support for translations features
Amazon Comprehend support for text analytics features
No padding was applied on splitted questions
Didnt init linked questions properly with key provider enabled security items
3.3.1 (2024/07/04)
New Features
Switch between question types directly in the questions generator wizard
New API respondent endpoint api/Respondents/respondentid/extended to get transformed extended JSON output of a respondent
Unable to add / update style
Unable to delete all files on mysql
Unable to select items in dropdown list when using question's grid layout
3.3.0 (2024/07/02)
New Features
Angular 18 migration
New set of themes
Theme wizard to generate themes automatically based on an image header, background or single color
Full dark themes support
Ability to disable mouse wheel navigation in single question flow mode
Rework of theme rendering engine and styles, make sure to check your existing styles with the new styles rules if you have created custom styles
Ability to split questions in a split layout instead of using a single page for all questions
Chinese support for respondent PDF outputs. Requires the survey to be selected in Chinese.
Added no index to the default page
Unable to select items in dropdown list when using question's grid layout
3.2.4 (2024/06/20)
Panel question structure wasn't always loaded
3.2.3 (2024/05/03)
Unable to post authorization based answers
3.2.2 (2024/04/29)
New Features
Heatmap based cross tabulation report
Selected checkbox with empty other didnt act as exclude answer if it was an exclude answer
Single question flow allowed to moved forward with opened dropdown list
Multi-lang resource selected language dropdown list stat wasnt kept on update
Form preview mobile wasnt fully accurate in size
Missing field properties for autocomplete collection based types
Item collection type answer couldnt be selected in condition rules for text filtering
Quota wasnt refreshed on thanks page
3.2.1 (2024/04/23)
New Features
Media player answer item to play videos / sounds from youtube, vimeo or from an http source
Restrict page navigation until media has been fully played by making the answer required
Updated translations of the administration section which can be used now in following languages: Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish
Questions within disabled block could cause an empty first question in single question flow mode
Video and sources tags were not allowed in question html code
3.2.0 (2024/04/04)
New Features
Question branching in single question flow mode to branch from one question to another based on conditions
Flow logic graph editor to visualize and edit page branching or redirections using a graph
Flow logic graph editor to visualize and edit question branching using a graph
Flow logic graph can be set horizontally or vertically
Parse unsafe chars from multi-language Excel export
Export trends as Excel file
Print individual respondent report
Bar / Pie chart switcher on graph based report items
Improved print rendering on reports to avoid page breaks within report items
Free text answer are sorted by number in the chart report if only numbers are entered
Free text report chart is using list item order if list item is used as an answer
Report styles update
Default report generates a more comprehensive ready to use report based on the survey questions and answers
Report cover page when displayed in printing mode
Easy report filter creation by clicking on the answers bars on the chart that you would like to filter out. Keep right CTRL key pressed to filter out multiple answers.
Multi-language reports, switch report to any of the survey languages if its based on a multi-language survey
Right to left languages support on reports
Default report can be configured to include text based answers
Default report view can be split as a grid
Ranking report item to view rankings of ranking based answers
Constant sum report item to view constant sum totals on constant sum based answers
Set anywhere in any question text html code a popup dialog action using custom attributes data-dialog-link, data-dialog-title, data-dialog-height, data-dialog-width and data-dialog-button on a div
Enable content policy security using NGSurvey:CPSPolicy environment variable with the "Self" value
SMS messaging support for API
Whatsapp messaging conversation support for API
Reminder support for WhatsApp campaigns
Page looping support to repeat full questions on a page statically or dynamically based on respondent answers
Page looping generation based on respondent answers to a question
Page looping generation based on respondent entries to a text based answer
Skip logic and piping support within looped pages
Page looping pipes to create specific pipe values for each of the page loop
Page looping pipes multi-language support
Page looping data export support
Page looping support on single question flow mode enabled surveys
Survey search was case sensitive
Rich editor's dialog wasn't centered
Answer report item didn't use question text if only one answer was used
Empty page check on branch / skip logic
Cleaned report print view
Updating sync with large sets of panelist could hang the sync process
Collection answers within matrix question were included for the parent in the default report
Field within matrix didn't show parent question label in report
Empty reporting alias was creating empty text headers in exports
Matrix cell answer was using parent type for respondent report output
Labels were partially hidden in matrix editor
Restrict entry up to max of question reporting alias size
Missing download from text report
Average time to respond wasn't re-calculated properly on survey import
Autocomplete dropdown didn't hide on print
All templates were shown for conversational surveys
Exclude answer didn't work in repeatable sections
Mysql panelist could not get right respondent if multiple surveys were taken for the same respondent
Toggle button horizontal overflow on mobile
Server side field answer required check was triggered for selection only answer based types
Tab links of page navigator didn't wrap
Mysql shared respondent answer update was creating duplicate answer entries
Shared input lock icon wasn't properly centered on answer item
Page randomize was randomizing questions within a block
Couldn't not use any media related tags in html code
Quota security wasn't allowing multiple submissions
Quota monitoring was not triggered if there was only quota rules with end survey
Over quota wasn't calculated properly on respondent save
MySql background task for campaigns and exports could get locked and hang forever
Missing IP security access security item on mysql
3.1.3 (2024/02/19)
Unable to set file upload max upload size
3.1.2 (2024/01/29)
Answer label was re-encoded
File upload answer didn't enforce the required option
3.1.1 (2024/01/08)
New Features
IP range access security item to restrict access based on IPs
Show active directory i if single signon failed
Limit one selection per row in a matrix
Restrict concurrent logins
Background service job clearing was triggered on cluster
Large amount of files could slow down queries
Hex colors were modified into rgba during html stripping
Didnt get export result from view
Unable to use answer suggestions with standard account
SVG tags were removed from text and labels
Couldnt download files with unknown mime type
Turkish I / i letter case mssql database fix
Sanitize answer labels
Non system language text labels were not exported in excel format
Replace pipe tags for row / separate selection data export sets
Campaign was trying to load panel / views even when user had no rights
Recipient grid required invitation template access
Couldn't assign users / groups to mailing template
Deleting uploaded answer didn't check against security pipe
File upload didn't check against security pipe
3.1.0 (2023/12/04)
New Features
!! .NET 8 migration ! Make sure to install the .NET 8 Hosting Bundle package on your host first or set your Azure web application to .NET 8 !!
Angular 17 migration
Use a replyto for completion alerts
Autocomplete modes on field based answer items
Restrict admin access and apis using the NGsurvey:AdminDisabled environment variables for public facing instances
Use host for deployment links to use the same host for multiple instances deployment in different zones (internal, public)
Set allowed email domain for mixed identity provider
Missing mysql index on files uid
Survey language was preventing to switch to default language using querystring variable
Survey loader didnt check for empty survey
Single question flow mode didnt show closed survey message
Unable to set ai rights to roles
Mailing reminder were still send on closed surveys
Export didnt order by block question order if blocks were used
Moving question from block to page didnt update block display order
Moving block question side block wasnt updating matrix childs block positions
Empty regular expression on condition rules was breaking server side validation
Removed trial access to display by default the account path
Panel with panel source attribute was showing wanring in invitation message for paenlist enabled panel
3.0.6 (2023/11/08)
New Features
Swap all answer types of a question for a new type
AzureAI as AI provider support
Smart analysis to analyze your data using AI
Improved auto AI translation process
Couldnt update reportitems having titles longer than 255 chars on mysql
Tenants didnt trigger background task
Smart column check status was not stopped
Couldnt SSO using Active Directory
3.0.5 (2023/10/22)
Invalid version date
3.0.4 (2023/10/21)
New Features
Warning displayed if the invitationcode or panelistid tag is not in the message
Separated multi column export was including deleted answers in header
3.0.3 (2023/10/18)
New Features
Ability to hide the tenant information banner
Total size of embeded images in excel embed images has been set to 1.5gb
Skipped items were piping null default values when change mode was set to update
3.0.2 (2023/09/25)
PGP was decrypting exported files binaries using wrong encoding
PGP in SPSS export could generate broken SPSS file export
Unable to use PGP private keys that are key pair based
Download all using filesystem storage for large archives, requires to use filesystem as storage types for files
3.0.1 (2023/09/20)
New features
Smart category labeling preset for smart columns to label content into defined categories
Smart answers suggestions that automatically suggest answers to a question
Improved performances for condition rules evaluations
JSON answer list didnt fall back to single iso language code
Empty answers trend prevent trends generations
Couldnt wipe linked answer smart columns
3.0.0 (2023/09/11)
New features
NGSurvey AI Suite that combines AI features with nGSurvey
OpenAI API integration as AI provider for ngSurvey's AI suite with GPT3 and GPT4 support
Use AI provider for automatic translation of survey question/answers labels
Use AI provider for sentiment analysis of text based answers
Smart survey creations using AI to create automatically full surveys from scratch based on a topic of your choice
AI smart questions creations using AI to create automatically questions sets from a topic
AI smart columns to add AI powered meta data to your existing respondent answers
Prompt based smart AI column that let you define your own custom AI prompt to analyze any of your respondent data
Sentiment smart column to get the sentiment of any respondent answer of your choice
Summarize smart column to summarize the text of any respondent answer of your choice
Translation smart column to translate the text of any respondent answer of your choice
NPS smart AI column to get the actual NPS type of respondent based on an NPS based question of your choice
AI smart columns can be linked to a survey, a question or a single answer
AI Smart columns can be used for reporting and filtering
AI Smart columns can be exported
Couldnt move users / groups
Translated properties performance issue
Unable to copy settings for multi- tenants with short names
Deployment URL wasnt using tenant domain when used from the root
Html wasnt stripped in matrix headers for word exports
Download attribute could not be added to a element
2.6.4 (2023/08/18)
New features
Local users / groups security item to authenticate ngSurvey local users or groups
Use local users or groups as condition rules for skip logic, branching or redirection
Email validation field wasnt taking full width
Answer extended properties were not imported
Answer widget properties were not imported
Condition rule filter text didnt support utf8 entries
Safeguard to avoid unwanted activation of the Captcha on login setting
2.6.3 (2023/08/04)
Unable to clear claim cache when updating users / groups
Import couldnt import all elements
Block question order issue when importing surveys
Added trusservercertificate to sql panel and sql answer types
2.6.2 (2023/07/02)
New features
Phone entry answer item
Amazon SNS support for SMS sending (doesnt support failed delivery status, messages will always be marked as sent)
HTTP / REST endpoints support for SMS sending (doesnt support failed delivery status, messages will always be marked as sent)
Maximize editor for campaign messages and templates
Shared session locks didnt get freed on mysql
Missing license params
2.6.1 (2023/06/27)
Adding automatically TrustServerCertificate to SQL Server based connectionstrings
2.6.0 (2023/06/27)
New features
.NET 7 migration ! Make sure to install the .NET 7 Hosting Bundle package on your host first or set your Azure web application to .NET 7 !
Angular 16 migration
Collaborative shared forms / surveys to let respondents collaborate on the same form data at the same time (Requires SQL Server backend and each license includes up to 10 shared simultaneous shared sessions)
Microsoft SQL providers supports for Managed Identity connections
Set user inactivity login timeout to lock account if not login has been detected during a certain period of time
Large files download support in files management for surveys collecting many files or large files
Trailing icon was triggered as default submit
Special hexadecimal chars were causing survey printing to fail
Didnt use ids when no aliases were available in spss export with alias enabled
Data export didnt shift properly multiple answers when split into multiple columns
Didnt use ids when no aliases were available in spss export with alias enabled
2.5.6 (2023/06/09)
Timezones additions
Updated parameter on sql list where deleting other languages parameters
Interval reminder were not added to new campaigns
New survey id wasnt kept for imported surveys
Mailing wasnt setting proper recipient when separated by ;
2.5.5 (2023/24/04)
Panel security didnt enforce panelist panel membership
Matrix totals where sunmed for all fields in grid repeat mode
Repeatable sections were not shown in respondent report review
Trailing icon didnt focus on field
Answer were not piped in matrix column header of respondent report
Hidden question was shown in respondent report question
2.5.4 (2023/04/04)
Matrix layout didnt align with scale header
2.5.3 (2023/03/28)
New features
Optional horizontal layout of questions in single flow mode on wide screens
Greater than or equal operator for conditions logic
Less than or equal operator for conditions logic
Imported Survey id is kept if the id is still available
Partial langauge administration translations and support for Spanish, German, Italian, Korean, Dutch, Portugese,Japanese, Russian and Chinese
Invitation tokens didnt get validated on first attempt on MySQL/MariaDB setups
2.5.2 (2023/03/09)
New features
Dropdown based ranking
Set custom timezones for each campaigns schedule and reminders intervals
Arabic support for the administration section including partial Arabic translation
Activity logs can be filtered by date range
Answers review layout centering issue
2.5.1 (2023/02/24)
New features
Answer date field can be set to use the Islamic Umm al Qura calendar
Pipe the current Islamic Umm al- Qura date using {{islamicdate}} or {{sqlislamicdate}}
Min or max date can be set to use the current day date
2.5.0 (2023/02/17)
New features
Choice based conjoint (CBC) question
Generate balanced design experiments for CBC
Import design experiments for CBC
Set layout of CBC either with cards or as grid format
CBC data export module
Export CBC data as a ready to use CSV for R's ChoiceModelR package
System theme changes didnt get saved automatically
Compare field wasnt available for piping
Logging failed login username in activity log
2.4.38 (2023/01/31)
Length was wrongly enforced on server side
2.4.37 (2023/01/16)
New features
Schedule data exports based on day of month, hour of day or day of week
Add timestamp to custom dataexport template using {{genDate}} tag in the custom filename
Form flow submit didnt clear skipped items
Ranked answers with skip logic could get out of sync on page navigation
Respondent grid column werent sorted by display order
2.4.36 (2023/09/01)
New features
Set export types for each answer (Auto, Text, Numeric, Binary, Date, DateTime, Categorical) that will be used for data exports like SPSS
Set reporting value for each answer that can be used instead of labels in export templates
Auto type automatically matches the export type in SPSS based on the answer properties
Recode missing answers to question
Recode missing unselected multiple choice answers
Set missing value for SPSS
Filter out respondent attributes from data exports
Single screen to edit all questions's reporting aliases, values and types
2.4.35 (2022/12/13)
New features
Randomize order direction of answers eg: to reverse liker scales randomly
Pasted content was pasted twice
Couldnt manage mailing templates on mysql
2.4.34 (2022/12/14)
File upload without settings didnt accept uploads
Couldnt export to SPSS using multiple reporting aliases having the same short name
Individual respondent export didnt set a header template
2.4.33 (2022/12/13)
New features
OpenId security item supports now identity provider forbidding wildcard based callback URLs
Create multiple fields and parameters to feed the SQL Security item SQL queries
Ability to pipe security items data attributes values to another security item
Slightly redesigned slider for better usability
Set header, footer, left or right labels for the slider
Set a value for the steps done by the slider
Define a "Not applicable" option on the slider
Ability to keep the selected value above the slider all the time
Define a "Not applicable" label and value for the silder
Unable to use querystring default selections on multiple selection based questions
System message was not used if multiple language were set in a survey with a selected survey language
2.4.32 (2022/01/12)
New features
Define the type of files accepted in the media gallery
Private user properties were not stripped from users lists
2.4.31 (2022/30/11)
New features
Show skip logic / branching status in the form tree nodes
Missing side labels was preventing the panelist editor to load
Page break didnt update existing pages skip logic position
2.4.30 (2022/28/11)
Enforced file upload type checking on the server side
2.4.29 (2022/25/11)
New features
Maximum default accepted respondent answers text length is now 10MB
Maximum accepted answer text length limit can be set using the "MaxAllowedTextSize" environment variable
Fields max, min and max words wasnt enforced on the server side
Password security item value was visible through the API response
2.4.28 (2022/24/11)
Prevew / Test mode didnt load answer fields
2.4.27 (2022/23/11)
New features
Questions can override the survey fields label position layout
Fields label can be set to be displayed horizontal on the left of the field
2.4.26 (2022/18/11)
New features
.Misc. performances improvements
Missing add folder icon in media grid
User with only survey access could download export batch using its id
2.4.25 (2022/01/11)
New features
Set tooltip for questions texts, answers labels, matrix rows
Define CORS origin domains using the environment NGSurvey:AllowedCORSOrigins setting: eg:NGSurvey:AllowedCORSOrigins=',https://*'
Javascript developer right to restrict user roles access on Javascript based features
Javascript is not anymore supported within code behinds of questions texts, thanks messages and security items introduction messages. You may use the FormCode class instead to run Javacript code
Unable to load media folder lists under MySQL
Unable to load open surveys under MySQL
Active Directory didnt log activity with SSO enabled
2.4.24 (2022/25/10)
New features
Matrix rating report item
Matrixes are now show in matrix layout style in indivdual respondent reports
Missing edit / add export template route
Adding multiple rows didnt refresh question matrix structure
Matrix didnt update immediatly min/max selections for preview mode
Alphanumeric tokens were not genrated using numbers
Library folder duplicate id wasnt replaced by new one
Couldnt display libraries with empty names
2.4.23 (2022/14/10)
New features
Angular 14 migration
Set system wide file size limit for uploaded medias
Data export excel, word wrong settings route path
Couldnt reload the survey without re- authetnicating manually using openid security
Azure security item didnt display login button if login couldnt be automatically done
couldnt log back without closing browser if using azure ad
Mailing templtes werent loaded if recipients page was accessed directly
Data export file not exportable empty on Linux based configurations
2.4.22 (2022/06/10)
New features
Copy respondents and their answers from one survey to another
Repeatable grid layout support for matrix questions
Password check didnt accept multiple special chars
Open surveys were displayed from ungranted folders hierarchies
SQL key wasnt saved in progress when multiple submits were not allowed
Matrix didnt create section for childs
2.4.21 (2022/09/26)
New features
Sets a maximum of users that can be created on a tenant
Couldnt delete users under MySQL
2.4.20 (2022/09/23)
New features
Link a question to a matrix to generate dynamically rows based on the respondent answers to that linked question
Couldnt update panelist attributes labels
Unable to translate thanks message with multiple language code based languages
2.4.19 (2022/09/07)
New features
Surveys search
Other fields can be hidden by default until the selection answer (checkbox, radio) is selected
2.4.18 (2022/08/29)
New features
Repetable sections based question can be set to use a grid based layout
2.4.17 (2022/08/24)
New features
Added client secret for OpenId identity providers (Google ...) that may requires a client secret
Deleted questions/answers in trashcan were left on report items
2.4.16 (2022/08/19)
New features
Define a lifetime in minutes for the Azure AD security items authorization token
Check the security items authorization based on their order
2.4.15 (2022/08/10)
New features
Field based answers were disabled on session resume within repeatable questions
Survey language wasnt used as default system language in multilang mode
2.4.14 (2022/08/08)
New features
Moved all answer items calendar / date calendar icon inside their field
Input based date answer item using 3 separate fields for Day / Month / Year
Panelist id within CSV can be used for respondents data import to link imported respondents to a panelist
2.4.13 (2022/07/31)
New features
Define the questions / answers columns that will be be exported in data exports
Added additional Arabic locals for Qatar UAE, Oman
Survey's actions, security items and answer types connection strings were not cleared
2.4.12 (2022/07/25)
New features
Store files / medias in a folder instead of the database
CSV Injection protection
New onAuthenticated event on ngsform code class
Location was fetched from cache on Android
2.4.11 (2022/07/18)
New features
Set automatically folder child objects access rights on folders having the ihnerit rights option enabled